Do you legally have to pay the cancellation fee on Yahoo Auctions?

I had recently bid on a car on Yahoo auctions. Was fighting with another bidder for a bit, and the price got really high so I said whatever, let him have it. I stopped bidding. I had been keeping an eye on the bidders and saw it went from 20 bidders total to 19, and the car had suddenly went to me at the last price that the top buyer had. I ended up winning the auction, but I had something else lined up in case I didn’t win this auction and messaged the seller of that car that I’ll swing by tomorrow to pick it up.


The description of the car said something along the lines of wanting a certain percentage of the price of the car if the winner had to cancel. I messaged him to cancel, tried to explain the situation the best way I could, but just sent me his bank details and said “please pay xxxxx”

Do I have to pay this? Is this legally bounding? This is my first time having something like this happen. Having googled it in Japanese there a couple of threads on the subject where the responses are either “You have no responsibility to pay that” or “You’re causing a nuisance! You’re the worst kind of person and you should pay it!” I’ve been selling and buying stuff online but never in Japan and have never even heard of anything like this anywhere else.

by 2tabaa

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