Work visa extension

My work visa ends in about 1 week and I have quit my job last month. I am right now job hunting but getting a propper job offer might take a liitle bit more time than what I have.

I was wondering if there was any way to extend my visa (or get another type of temporary visa) for a few months so I have time to find a new position.


I have done a few research and went to the immigration office yesterday after I saw this article:


>If you have lost your job because your employer had made you redundant, you can go to the Immigration Bureau for consultation and be issued a *3 months temporary visa*. You can try to find a new job. Please make sure to apply and get a *Permit for Other Activities* to work part time or casual (in places like convenience stores) to earn income.

Unfortunately, I understood after that this extension was only allowed to people who have been laid off because of economical reasons. For my part, I have resigned due to health issues, so it does not apply to me.


Then I found these links where they are talking about extending the visa because of difficulties to go back to our home country (during the COVID pandemic):


>Foreigners who have difficulty returning to their home country are permitted to extend their period of stay.

Also explained here:




Can I apply for this extension, stating that I do not currently have enough money to buy flight tickets back to my country because I could not find a job (due to COVID slowing things down in terms of recruitment)? Has anyone applied for this temporary visa?


  1. It would be best to consult immigration directly or an immigration professional. You may be eligible for a designated activities status, but a lot will depend on the fine details. Some might also depend on how long you’ve been here. You may also qualify to switch to a standard short term stay.

  2. As for the difficulty returning home due to Covid you can probably apply for it! But they are stopping it very soon so apply asap! Also you will need to sign a declaration that you will not attempt to apply for that particular visa again. You can be granted up to a maximum of four months extension with permission to work 28 hours a week only!
    You will also need to prove difficulty returning home, etc.

  3. Any reason you didn’t apply three months before the expiration? Were you already sick then? I used to apply exactly three months before as i can’t handle the stress of …well this, so I’m curious why people like living on the edge lol.

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