Help finding a career path

Hello everyone! I am not sure if this is the right place to ask for this so I apologise in advance to the mods for causing nuisance.

Anyways, I am looking for some career advices in Japan. I am Italian (29, M) currently working in Osaka as an English teacher for children. There’s a lot that I like about my job: great benefits, fantastic management, lots and lots of free standby time and I also love working with children. My issues are that the salary is kind of average: 270,000ish total (including transportation fees and deductions like pension, insurance etc) and that I feel like I might be “wasting” my skills here. There’s not much in terms of bonuses or vertical progression so what I do now I would be doing it for the rest of my time in this company.

My only two skills are languages (fluent in English, Italian, Spanish and Japanese) and visual arts (I am a painter and do small exhibitions every now and then but at the moment is barely more than a hobby); and my only experience is with teaching (English, Italian) and social media sales (hated it).

So at this point I don’t know about my future. Currently I am trying to use my free time to make more art and study for N1 (I already have N2) but I am wondering if I could use it to develop some new skills that would complement the ones I already have, like coding/programming or graphic design.

I would like to hear some opinions or story that relate to finding different careers in this country. Thank you all so much in advance for reading this wall of text and sharing your insights.

by ClaroNefasto

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