How to find used houses from top House makers?

Hi all,
Is there any way how to find used houses which were made custom made by top house makers such as Sekisui, Mitsui, Panasonic, Hebel house etc.? Since the depreciation value decreases a lot over the years for these houses over years, I was wondering if I could buy a custom made house which is 5-10 yrs old at a cheaper price as compared to making from scratch. If required I can ask that House maker or an renovating company for little renovations. Also, how much will they cost? (Considering a new house which around 32Tsubo will cost somewhere between 40-55 Million Yen )
Most of the house which I find on Social media (which look new and available for sale) are of low quality or made by unknown house makers.

I am in process of making a house in Yokohama through one these House makers.
(I know about Akiya 空家 but they are all 30+ yrs old and in bad condition)

by WriterFragrant6716

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