3 sardine home recipes: salt grilled, boiled in plum, sardine kabayaki.

hello ヽ(*^^*)ノ frozen sardines are cheap and nutritious and i recently got a bag at the grocer store. I would like to introduce 3 basic recipes i often make at home:

1. salt grilled whole: salt the defrosted sardine for 10 minutes. wipe it dry and grill in preheated oven 200°c for 20-25 minutes. serve with grated radish and ponzu.

2. boiled in plum: gut the sardines ([how to do it](https://youtu.be/R2B2dlHSnT4) 2:13). diced plum, ginger, sake, mirin, soy sauce and dashi + vegetables of choice. bring to boil and let simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes. you can eat the bones. for the leftover organs you can stir fry with soy sauce and any aromatic (garlic, ginger, onion etc.) as a side dish if you like the bitter taste.

3. kabayaki: the rich flavor of sardines matches well with eel kabayaki sauce. fillet the sardines (tutorial [here](https://youtu.be/R2B2dlHSnT4) at 4:32), dust with cornstarch and pan fry it. make sauce: sugar, soy sauce, mirin, sake 1:1, simmer until boiling and add the sardine.

i made a (https://youtu.be/R2B2dlHSnT4) on the recipes and how to open the sardines with scissors. please watch it if you are interested, thank you. there are also 2 other recipes (tomato breadcrumb and stargazy pie if you want to see it!) I hope this is helpful to you (=^▽^=)

by papaya0116

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