Is Juso that bad?

I live near Juso and have been to a few izakayaa there. But a friend of mine told me it is not a good area and seedy people hang out there. Is that true?
As a foreigner is there a chance of me getting in trouble?

by Recent-Bet-3897

  1. If you’re looking for trouble you can find trouble.

    If you’re looking for a standing bar or two to have a couple drinks you’ll be fine.

  2. My wife grew up in Toyonaka. We got off the train at Juso station and were walking to our favorite Italian restaurant down by the river when a mint condition 1972 Cadillac Sedan de Ville rolled past us. I couldn’t help but gawk. My wife said, “Don’t stare. Juso is Yakuza.”

  3. It’s fine.

    From Japanese people and my experience. Juso and Kyobashi are seedy and grimey. Then everything from Amemura down to nish inari and over to Tennoji then up to shinsaibashi is the rough run down area.

    Your opinion may of course completely differ.

  4. Basically, what your friend is trying to say is that you can get prostitutes in Juso. He probably knows firsthand. It’s very safe and actually pretty nice.

  5. There is a pink district nearby and the area can get dirty (trash on ground, empty cans). By Japanese standards it is seedy and it reminds me of a mini Namba with all the drinking and dancing crab. It is much nicer than Nishinari and similar ilk, and by foreigner standards safe and a great place to experience a deep Osaka feel plus quick ride or walk across the bridge into Umeda.

  6. Japanese people think anywhere with a tiny bit of graffiti on the wall and some litter on the ground is grimy and dangerous. Relax. 

  7. Juso is a bit seedy, but also a super convenient place to live if you don’t mind a little seediness. Easy access to Kobe and Kyoto. Lots of local restaurants.

    Your friend needs to get out and enjoy life a little.

  8. The trouble you mean is,
    “entangled drunken men fight” -> possible, I think
    “pointed gun by a robbery” -> Very rarely

  9. It’s in japan. If you aren’t being stupid and looking for trouble then there are no truly dangerous areas.

  10. Well yes and no. If you are visiting izakayas based on your personal judgement and Google maps it’s alright. But just don’t follow some shady guy in suit to a bar where they charge a hefty amount for drinks.
    I had a hotel in Kabukicho the truly dangerous area but it was completely alright as long as I didn’t do anything stupid

  11. Juso is awesome. Yes, it’s seedy, but it’s still Japan. You’re not in any danger.

  12. There’s a great SM club where you can hire dominas to do all kinds of dirty things. But it’s not shady it’s actually a very honest business. Your friend might be a bit scared for nothing.

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