What city to visit next?

hi everyone
my family, including my husband and twin A- year-old just returned on Friday from our first trip to Japan. We had a wonderful time and can’t wait to go back.

for this first trip, we spent time in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and then ended back in Tokyo. One of my regrets was that we moved around too much too fast staying 2 to 3 nights in each location.

For our next trip, we’re looking for a place that we can stay for the whole time. I’m interested in some thing that is more traditional leaning, is small enough that we can get to know it over about a two week period, but is big enough that we don’t run out of things to do.

can you share some suggestions of where we should start looking? We’re probably about three years out from heading back, but I guess you can’t start planning too soon right?

by Cookiedamonster

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