Want to study medicine as an exchange student for a semester or two in Japan- what should I know, any tips?

Hello! I’m currently finishing my 4th (out of 6) grade of studies. I was looking to spend the 5th year (or a part of it) in Japan and I am actively looking into it. The thing is, it is not really common to go to Japan for exchange where I’m from so my university doesn’t exactly have exchange contracts with any Japanese schools and there isn’t anyone I could ask.

After a couple of phone calls and meetings, I was basically told “we can only really help you once you have an acceptance letter” with little to no information on how to obtain one.

I didn’t really find anything for semester exchange studies (only 4 week clerkships), so I was wondering if anyone here could share any tips or experiences in regards to this.

I’ll probably look a bit more and if I find nothing, I’m thinking of just sending out some mails with my CV and motivational letter.

Any info is appreciated, thanks!

by TheFlintASteel

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