Another downside of the weak yen: it brings more disrespectful tourists

Another downside of the weak yen: it brings more disrespectful tourists

by frozenpandaman

  1. That’s how stupid people break everything that is remotely nice in my own country France.

  2. Tourists need to be much more aggressively filtered out from entry. Just looking at these fat goofballs, I’d never let them in.

  3. I was finally able to afford to go to Japan because of the weak yen but my god, the amount of disrespectful tourists was wild. What is going on in their brains to act this way?? What makes them think their behavior is ok?? No shame whatsoever.

  4. I lived near Nara for 2 years, from 1998 to 2000. I’ve been back numerous times, and every time, I find it a little different, a little changed. More often than not, I was the only gaiijin on the train during my commute. I’m guessing the experience would not be the same these days.

  5. do these tourists realize they’re in Japan, not NYC?  (Where this kind of behavior is unfortunately normal…but I guess one could argue it’s part of the nyc charm) 

  6. Financially successful people behave better than not-so-financially successful people in general and the weak yen attracts people who can’t afford to go to Japan otherwise.
    So there are more people with the “I paid money so I can do whatever I want. I’m a customer” mentality per capita.

  7. should go up and ask them if it’s their first time on a train and if they need some tips in how to ride one

  8. ppl in pics seemed to be Europeans.
    I saw some middle Asian made mess with their state of art bathroom in Tokyo tower. Ppl waiting in lines gave her dirty look. Poor worker had to go in and clean it up for other tourists. Second hand embarrassment overflowing in that area lol

  9. I have been going to Japan for a very long time and noticed that the number of unrespectful tourists has increased a lot these recent years. E.g., those thinking that not wearing face masks when absolutely everyone else does is a sign of superior intelligence. It’s no surprise the weak yen makes the situation even worse. It’s shit because it will make the locals even more wary of foreigners. I can’t blame them…

  10. These people are making a convincing argument that Japan closing its boarders for 200 years wasn’t such a bad thing after all

  11. When I visited Tokyo I saw an American tourist do this too, swinging from the handle bars, while his Japanese wife looked incredibly embarrassed but unable to stop him. He looked like a man child with no self control.

  12. Currently enjoying Japan and its culture but have hated some of the other tourists.
    It’s been hard watching how disrespectful they have been.

  13. Japan was going through sakoku for like 3 or 4 years during covid and just forgot that that’s how tourists were kind of always like.

    From Chinese tourists yelling in Gucci shops to middle aged Americans loudly over sharing details of their personal life on a crowded train.

    The Chinese tourists in luxury shops have yet to return though as far as I saw.

    I don’t think it’s entirely a bad thing, it’s just how tourists are. Rich weebs aren’t the only ones who come to visit.

  14. I expect this sort of behaviour from teenagers but these guys look like they’re in their 30’s! Ridiculous!

  15. the look on that old lady’s face is so slappable. how are you this excited over this clown behavior?

  16. I was in Rome, Italy in 1997 and 2014, and I was saddened by the changes I saw because of stupid tourists’ behavior. I truly feel for what the Japanese are experiencing now and almost think that mindful visitors should speak up and ask the boneheads to stop the monkey business.

  17. Dunno if a weak yen is causing this, it’s still extremely expensive for many Americans and Europeans to fly to Japan and the country is still expensive in comparison to other (kind of) nearby places in SE Asia.

    In my experiences, the Americans have always been a bit weird in this area of the world and as a Brit, I can say we are the weird ones down in SE asia, especially Thailand because thats where our bad lot go!

  18. I went to Japan in 2018 and did not see so many tourist problems I have heard recently. What is going on!?

  19. I’m gonna say it and I’ll probably get downvoted but eh maybe people need to be bullied again. When you are in a different country you have to be respectful it’s not a oh it’s the right thing or your a disgrace on your country it’s just something you need to do no matter what show respect and they will show it back.

  20. Wowzers, straight up populism posting again.
    This statement has two implications:
    The first being that there are more idiots coming to Japan because of it being more affordable.
    Which is like, OK, that’s what happens when more people go somewhere, idiots are a percentage of the population.
    The second is that it seems to imply that poor people are somehow misbehaving more than richer people that can already afford it, which I can’t confirm to be the case.
    This here is anecdotal evidence at Best with some questionable choice of wording.
    Or straight up Populist BS

  21. Japan is safe and Japanese rarely display their anger towards others, especially foreigners. For assholes, this is like walking around legoland

  22. This is bullshit, I first came here in 2012 when it was ¥72 to $1, strong as hell, and there were still disrespectful tourists. Mostly Australians. No YouTube influences yet, but ass holes will be ass holes anywhere

  23. I think it is especially prevalent with tourists in groups…as if nobody else exists outside of their little social circle….thus they don’t need to consider anyone or anything else in regard to their actions.

  24. I love the narrative by Japanese residents that rowdy tourists are ruining their Japan experience 😂

  25. Agreed that annoying tourists are increasing but to be fair, I’ve seen at least two Japanese men do what that guy in the photo is doing on the trains here.

  26. I’m glad I get to avoid all the tourist areas when I visit. My wife’s family is out in the country. Makes for a relaxing visit. The only time I ran into a bunch of disrespectful tourists was in Kyoto. 

  27. I genuinely can’t imagine going to someone else’s home and behaving like this. Like who the hell raised you to think acting like this is acceptable?

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