Confused with flash cards apps…am I overthinking this or missing something?

Hey everyone! I’m coming up on my year one mark and still haven’t settled on a good flash card/SRS/anki app.

So far has been my favorite, but it feels like it was made for people who are ready to study all levels of kanji and only kanji.

I’ve tried adding in just hiragana words but sometimes it chooses the wrong word and there is no way to override that (as far as I can tell). For example, I can’t tell it that I want “ashes” for はい.

(Maybe I’m using it wrong though?)

How are people using these apps to help them progress through the Japanese language process?

What I mean is, how are you using apps to first learn the hiragana version, and then update that to the kanji version.

And in particular, what about words where one kanji is a beginner one and the other is a little more intermediate/advanced?

For example: 人参. Where 人 is grade level 1 and 参 is grade level 4.

Maybe I’m wrong but it seems like it would be great to first learn にんじん,
Then 人じん. Then 人参.

That’s a pretty easy word and both kanji are still elementary level. But there are some where one kanji is elementary level and another is secondary school (or higher) level.

Is everyone just jumping to memorizing kanji + its hiragana/spoken form at the same time?

Do you have one deck for speaking and one for reading?

Thanks in advance

Ps I have ios for mobile but windows for desktop

by nihonnoniji

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