As an American, there is something I noticed about many Japanese people that I really like & wish I could be.

I also noticed this about Chinese people too (hope not to offend) I’ve noticed in many Youtube videos I’ve seen of Japanese people & Chinese people, that the way their expressions are when communicating, & the things they talk about, the way they communicate & speak about their feelings, they seem so gentle & with high emotional intelligence, like always with open & soft heart. I wish I could be more like this. I feel how I grew up in a harsh impoverished city in America as a kid it was more normalized to be cold emotionally, stoic, not show your sensitive emotions, be more like a robot, & it was even encouraged to be offensive. I really don’t like how I was raised & how this was the norm. I moved somewhere more friendly now but I struggle with my demeanor, I feel naturally too cold and closed off. Where as I see a lot online Japanese & Chinese communicating very sentimental & poetic-like. I really wish I could be like this & felt more comfortable being this way, it seems so beautiful. I want to learn how !

by ch3rrybl0ss0m22

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