Anxious about the August heat…

Hey all, my husband and I are visiting Tokyo for 10 days in early August. I know, I know… it’s gonna be HOT. It’s all I read about when looking up the best and worst times to visit… and I’m getting pretty anxious about it.

I’m from Arizona, so I’m only experienced with dry heat, and my husband is from England… yeah.

Unfortunately that was the only time we were able to visit, as it’s the only time of the year my husband’s son is on a long trip with his mum. It’s our only option for about 6-8 years until he’s older, and I really didn’t want to wait that long to visit Japan.

I’ve started to plan a flexible itinerary with any shrines/outdoor places in the early mornings, a break at the hotel between around 1-5pm each day, and then activities/places in the evenings. I know we’ll have to dress lightly, stay extremely hydrated, wear a hat/sunglasses, and carry a small towel to wipe our sweat. I’ve tried to plan a decent amount of indoor places for the late mornings as well.

I’m SUPER anxious about the heat though, so many posts online make it out like we’ll perish from heat stroke and have a miserable trip… are we screwed? Will it be doable? The flights and hotel is booked already so I’m really hoping we can make it work without suffering that much.

by mymidnightmelody

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