Itinerary Check – 4 nights Tokyo, 6 nights Osaka

Hey everyone, long time follower, first time poster! I’ll be heading to Japan for the first time at the end of May and have an idea of what I’d like to do and wanted to see if the itinerary I’ve written up is realistic at all. I’ve tried to keep things pretty simple and open, as to allow free explanation, and for things to be easily swappable if the mood hits. Basically I didn’t want to be on strict time crunches and be able to freely go about my shopping and exploration. I’ll be going with my sister and the two of us have a major interest in shopping for ourselves and partaking in Otaku culture, so a lot of our list is heavily leaning on shopping as a main thing with some other excursions in between. With that said, here’s the rough plan. Please, I’m opening to hearing thoughts or suggestion and if this is even doable. Thanks!

May 21
– Arrive in Tokyo via Haneda Airport
– Check in at hotel
– Explore area of our hotel, if we’re not too tired from our journey

May 22
– Nakano Broadway
– Suginami Anime Museum
– Anime Tokyo Station

May 23
– Akihabara shopping
– Shangri-la Maid Cafe

May 24
– Harajuku
– Shibuya Parco
– Shinjuku Marui Annex

May 25
– Bullet train from Tokyo to Osaka Hotel
– Explore area of our hotel, if we’re not too tired from our journey

May 26
– Den-Den Town
– Nipponbashi exploration

May 27
– Shinsaibashi Parco
– Daimaru Shinsaibashi
– Dotonbori exploration
– Americamura

May 28
– Aquarium Kaiyukan
– Explore Tempozan Harbour Village, including the Ferris wheel, pirate ship, petting zoo and shopping

May 29
– Daimaru Umeda
– Osaka City Station

May 30
– Round1 Stadium Osaka
– Osaka cleanup, if necessary

May 31
– head back to Narita to go home

by RyGuy176

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