Seeking advice: Navigating job search in Japan with a masters in language didactics and educational

Hello, I’m reaching out for a bit of guidance during a confusing period in my life. I recently graduated with a double master’s degree from France in language didactics and educational engineering. For those unfamiliar, my field involves the study of teaching and learning languages, akin to instructional design, but with a focus on online environments. This includes analyzing and enhancing learning experiences and methodologies, especially through media and programming to craft online courses.

Having moved to Japan about 7 months ago to live with my Japanese wife, I’ve found myself in a bit of a quandary job-wise. Despite my proficiency in Japanese reaching around an N3 level, the job market here has presented unexpected challenges. In France, securing a position wouldn’t have been an issue, but here, it feels bordering on impossible. In the past three months, my job search has turned up very little, with only one company back in November 2023 showing interest in someone with my background in edTech, but I couldn’t apply because of my Japanese level. Unfortunately, since then, similar opportunities have been scarce.

Adding to my challenges, I’m currently based in Tosu, Saga, which significantly narrows my options due to its location. I’m keenly aware of how niche my field is, which might be contributing to the difficulty in finding relevant positions.

Note: As of right now, I’m studying Japanese on my own in an effort to achieve JLPT N2, which requires understanding a significant number of kanjis.

I’m turning to you, especially those who may have faced similar situations or are familiar with the job market here, for advice. What steps would you recommend I take from here? Are there particular strategies, resources, or networks in Japan that could prove helpful in my search? Any insights or experiences you could share would be immensely appreciated as I navigate this phase of my life.

Thank you in advance for your support and advice.

by Stioui

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