Entering Japan after travelling and NOT from home country. (on Student Visa)

Hi there.

I have a place for university in Japan next year. I will be moving there later this year, but beforehand I will be visiting family in SE Asia for one/two months.

Since I must enter Japan 3 months after submitting my visa application , I will apply one month before I leave, hence I have not yet started the application process. This is all within the time limit on my CoE, which I have been told will arrive in a couple of months.

Now, I had thought this would be fine , however after speaking to a friend of mine who was on a student visa to Japan last year, they said I might have an issue, since I will have a visa from my home country in Europe, but will be entering Japan from (most likely) Vietnam. My friend is not sure and I cannot find much information online about this. However they said that the Japanese immigration authorities may be wary of my travel. I have to tell them which flight I am on when I first enter Japan (so they will know for sure where I will arrive form) and my friend told me that this could lead to them denying my visa. I obviously cannot afford for this to happen , as it will cause me to miss the start of my university program in Japan.

Therefore I ask – is this an issue – as in – do I have to fly from my home country directly to Japan , or is it okay that I will have left my home country, traveled for a while and then entered from a different country.

Thank you very much for your help, 🙂

by Prestigious-Crow-431

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