Leaving Japan for a while, can I keep my bank account?

Hey, so I am now at the end of a one year stay in Japan. I really wanted to stay longer by switching to a student visa (I am gonna apply to uni here) but the timing of a bunch of family matters put a stop to that.

So instead, I‘ll return to my country for the rest of 2024 and come back to Japan in April 2025. Obviously, I don’t want to close my bank account if I‘m gonna come back anyways. Especially since there is still money on it, that may lose value if I have it paid out and exchanged to Euro. I called ゆうちょ銀行 call center and they said no, please close it and reopen it next year. I would prefer not to.

The potentially bad idea is, what if I just keep it open? Like, would they ever notice I no longer live here?
I am also expecting a 支援給付金 payment of 70.000¥ that would vanish into the void if my account was closed now. So I hope it’s understandable why I am considering this

by Friendly_Software11

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