Recovery from Covid and PCR

Is there any guidelines on recovery certificates within 90 days of having a pcr? I am worried that a previous case of covid will bring about a positive pcr result regardless of being fully recovered and isolating. You could be delayed for 2 months…

  1. Check the Return to Japan Support Group on Facebook…there is information there about what to do if you need to return to Japan but are still getting positive tests after recovery

  2. If it helps I had covid back in mid May and my test was negative so I think the chances of still getting a positive test are lower than getting a negative test

  3. Your Embassy/Consulate may be able to issue an exemption to travel if you have proof from a doctor you’ve recovered and are no longer symptomatic but are still testing positive. I’d get in touch with your JET desk rep as early as possible to let them know it may be an issue and they can talk you through options.

  4. so i was supposed to leave on july 30th. on july 17th, i began having symptoms of covid, but i tested negative on a home test. i didn’t test again until july 20th, and my home test showed i was VERY positive. i notified my consulate and they told me to continue to departure as normal (up until the pre-departure pcr). if my pcr came back as positive, i would be delayed and if my pcr was negative, i would be permitted to leave with the rest of my group. i would also like to note that i tested negative on a home test on july 27th and my case was incredibly mild. it felt like a super mild cold the entire time.

    i took my pcr on the 29th and unfortunately i tested positive. the nurse who did my test said that my positive was so light, that she initially thought i had tested negative. she said that had i come just a few days later, i likely would’ve tested negative. so obviously, i told my consulate and i had to stay behind while the rest of my group left the next morning.

    at first, i was gutted. this isn’t the first time covid has thrown a wrench in my plans to go to japan and i was obviously upset that i would be delayed. however the more i thought, the more i realized i am happy that im delayed. it feels like i have unfinished business here at home and leaving now would’ve been the wrong path for me. had i left normally, i would’ve spent the last couple weeks at home in my bed and away from my family. my luggage was haphazardly packed and there’s too many things left here that i would’ve regretted leaving behind.

    my new departure date is (presumably) august 21st. my consulate and clair are working out the details, but that’s when im most likely heading out now. it’s really hard to explain, but im glad i have 3 extra weeks. i don’t think i was ready to leave yet anyway. if you do catch covid, don’t worry so much about when you’ll leave. your consulate will do all they can to get you there as soon as possible. i honestly don’t think it’s worth worrying about the slim possibility that you’ll keep testing positive after so long. you’ll get there eventually and you should be focused on recovering while you wait. please take care of yourself!!!

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