Ren Narita to Tokyo Sports: Moxley is a cheater, Shota is a bitch, and Naito needs to be punished for losing. I’m the only one who can save the IWGP WHC.

Tokyo Sports just dropped a [new interview with Ren](, and it’s a good one so I’ve decided to give it an easy-to-read translation. I’ve chosen to summarize a lot of the actual article parts, because there’s a lot of repeating information we all know.

Please keep in mind that I’m not and am not claiming to be an expert with Japanese, but any time I post a translation it’s because I’m reasonably confident I’ve gotten at least the general meaning and ideas of what’s being conveyed right. And as with any translation worth your time, parts of it are adapted/“localized” to better convey the meaning in English (though I’ve tried to keep that to a minimum as much as possible here).

Anything in brackets is added by me for clarification. Please credit me and link to this if you post it anywhere else.


After a brief summary of the events at Windy City Riot, the meat of the article opens with the fact that Moxley is the first non-NJPW contracted talent to win the top title since Keiji Muto (All Japan) in 2009. [I want to note that I think this might give us an idea of how NJPW is presenting Moxley as Champion to the Japanese audience; he’s a full-on outsider and not just a foreigner Champ like Jay or Ospreay was.]

It talks about the aftermath of the title match, and acknowledges that Ren jumped the line to make himself the first challenger.

Narita explains his actions in Chicago:

>“The basic premise is that Moxley doesn’t deserve be the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion. I was wondering what kind of ideas a fake Champion like him would bring to the table, and then he started talking about that master and student showdown that no one wants to see… and my body just started moving on its own [to go attack Mox].”

The article points out, as they usually do when interviewing a House of Torture member, that Ren is just lying and/or coping to justify his dirty tactics. They say that it seems like Ren’s real motivation was just to continue messing with Umino; which is supported by Ren saying that when he wins the title he won’t let Shota challenge for it:

>”Of course [I won’t let him challenge]. Regardless of everything else, it’s way too early for Shota to challenge for the title, and the only people who don’t recognize that are those in his inner circle. His mentor and his father have pampered him, and that’s how he became such a deluded, egotistical son of a bitch.”

The article points out that this is Narita’s first time challenging for the title, that he lost to Shota in a singles match in January, that Moxley just pinned him at Sakura Genesis, and that his recent track record is far worse than the “undeserving” Shota’s.

Ren continues:

>“Moxley always uses weapons in his matches, and bites, and scratches, and commits other illegal actions that are not permitted by the rules of professional wrestling. I, as the most morally sound person in the company, am the only one who can correct this critical situation where the IWGP WHC is held by a person like that.”

>”Naito should be forced to retire and atone for his crime of losing the title to another company, especially an American one; but we need a savior to fix the disaster he caused. Many people have been asking for me to come to the rescue, so with a heavy heart I’ve decided to oblige them. If I don’t [save the title], who will?”

The article closes by pointing out that Moxley has shown great respect for NJPW despite being an outsider, while Narita is a first-time challenger and a true “Gada-Hikimizu” [a selfish person who only does what’s convenient or beneficial to themselves].

by EffingKENTA

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