Why teaching in Japan as an ALT is so bad right now

Schools get a budget for having an ALT. After the experimental native teacher school programs in the 70s and 80s, that’s how they incentivized schools to want to take JETs. It’s no big secret “gaijin dame” when applying to jobs.

Right now the schools and BOEs are just trying to save money on the ALTs, and keep as much for themselves.

With less children in the schools, governments in debt, and the economy stagnating in Japan, they basically are forced to find ways to cut the budget.

This post doesn’t get into why English teaching in Japan is so soul sucking. It’s not about why working in Japan is awful. It’s not meant to go into all that.

It’s just to explain why these dispatch companies can hire non-native speakers who sometimes even speak broken English, and get away with it.

by UniverseCameFrmSmthn

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