Allergy card help!

Hi everyone,
I’m going to Japan next month and I have been before, and my husband has not. He unfortunately is allergic to all seafood, shellfish, etc. I know there’s different terminology for each type of seafood in Japanese, and I don’t want to accidentally forget one, or if there’s just a broad term to cover it all? I’m really struggling to figure it out. I have found a card template where I only need to fill in the blank with the allergens.

Also, he is not like “going to die allergic”, in fact his allergist said he tested NOT allergic, so he’s probably just intolerant. He just gets horrible stomachache and feels generally unwell for a day or two after. Not the end of the world if he is exposed (in fact we’re anticipating he will be accidentally at least once), but we’d like to avoid it. We don’t think he reacts to very diluted forms (we’re going to test bonito flakes, dashi in small amounts etc before the trip to be sure). I’m not sure if there’s a better way to phrase the allergen card? I guess I’m worried about being turned away at restaurants that have safe options for him to choose from, but them being concerned of slight contamination or something of that sort assuming he will die, when it really probably won’t hurt him.

Would love advice!

by CarrotsAtDawn

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