Relocating to Japan with a deleted criminal record – arrested/interrogated for random assault but wasn’t convicted?

Hi everyone, I’m planning to relocate to Japan in the future

A few years ago someone and their boyfriend threatened to murder me at work, attacked me, even stabbed me with a random working tool which was luckily so dull, it just flew away when it got jammed into my ribs

Anyway, I was lucky enough to be able to defend myself and drop the attacker several times while holding back so I don’t get accidentally charged despite being covered in blood at this point

Police came, basically laughed at us, took us into interrogation and released us without actually interrogating so my police record said “arrested and interrogated for random assault – case closed over lack of public interest, the police doesn’t want to waste resources on interrogating and refuses to move the case to court” rather than “not guilty”

Anyway, one decent lawyer later, the case was deleted from my file because the police did absolutely nothing right (more shit not included here) and we now want to sue them for damages over not doing their job at all

My question is this, in my country, even if a case gets deleted, there’s still a handful of companies that can see it (usually government related jobs)

So I wonder, will this show up if I try to relocate to Japan?

by SomethingMashuMashu

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