Chinese navy ship enters Japan waters near Kagoshima Pref. islands

Chinese navy ship enters Japan waters near Kagoshima Pref. islands

  1. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 57%. (I’m a bot)
    > A Chinese navy vessel has been spotted in Japan's territorial waters near islands of the southwestern prefecture of Kagoshima, the Defense Ministry said Wednesday.

    > The Maritime Self-Defense Force and the Japan Coast Guard monitored the passage of the Chinese vessel.

    > Chinese ships have repeatedly entered Japan's territorial waters or navigated in adjacent areas, most notably near the Senkaku Islands, a group of East China Sea islets controlled by Japan but claimed by China under the name Diaoyu.

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  2. China has effectively controlled those islands via military power for a hot minute, so this isn’t really news per se, and as long as the US isn’t going to get involved (despite, y’know, the whole “we need bases in Japan to protect them from China” line of bullshit) so unfortunately I don’t see the situation changing anytime soon.

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