Streets of Kyoto in 1971. Street vendors. Slide collection of an American tourist

Streets of Kyoto in 1971. Street vendors. Slide collection of an American tourist

by Sputnikoff

  1. Hello, eveyone! My distant relative Uncle Bill visited Japan back in 1971 and 1980 and took a lot of photo slides of Tokyo, Kyoto, and other places of interest. After he passed away about 15 years ago, I saved his slides from being thrown away. Kodachrome film was used but the camera is unknown.

  2. Thank you for sharing! I stop and look through them when you post new ones. Glad you saved his slides 🙂

  3. Wow, intersection of Kawaramachi and Sanjo. I must have walked past/through well over a hundred times.

    The stores and decorations are all different now, but the basic layout is more or less unchanged.

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