Need to file taxes for multiple previous years

So, I’m an idiot and didn’t realize that making purchases on []( also count as remits to Japan. I’ve periodically refilled my bank account by selling shares of a mutual fund over the past 4 years. The purchases and amounts were always fairly low, but now I’m freaking out realizing I probably owe past taxes. I’m a non-permanent resident so I didn’t think I owed taxes on overseas capital gains and am only now learning that if it’s remitted to Japan I owe taxes on it.

How screwed am I? Should I just make an Excel sheet with all the sales of the mutual funds listed and all the purchases/remits and head to a CPA as soon as possible? I have a wife and kid, so I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize them.

Edit: I also have a U.S. 401k! Is that taxed, too?

by OvertechB

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