みんなの日本語L17-4:こんにちは。I am Japanese. To study English, I am teaching Japanese in English. Write your sentences with “Naiform なくてもいいです”. I will check your sentences for JLPT N5 Beginner and Intermediate learners.

**①Improvement of Writing and Speaking**

こんにちは。I am Japanese. To study English, I am teaching Japanese in English. In this series, I will share my way of practicing N5 to Beginner and Intermediate level learners who want to review grammar by writing sentences.

This series also contains Speaking exercises for Beginner level. Usually, beginners have difficulty judging which topic is more important. From Japanese speaker’s viewpoint, I will choose the more important and skip the less important grammar topics. This way, you can save time. This could be considered a shortcut.

If you try to write your answer in accordance with the “②Instruction of Exercise” below and post them within “48 hours” from posting this thread, I will try to comment on and check your sentences. Although I cannot respond to all (Especially, off topic) because I have limited time, I will try to comment. Also, I welcome you to follow my SNS and Reddit account.


**②Instruction of Exercise**

If you are N5 Beginner level, start from “**Procedure 1”**. If you are intermediate level learner, see **“Procedure 2”**.

**“Procedure1 for Beginner Level”**

(Step1): Check “Vocabulary” meaning in the list from the below link.

(Step2): Check and understand “Grammar” from the below link.

(Step3):You can check “Speaking Practice Video” in the below link and get used to how to use appropriately this time grammar topic to make sentence. You can also check “Practice Sheet”. You can use it for your speaking practice.

[→The Link for Vocabulary, Grammar and Speaking Practice Sheet](


[→Speaking Practice Video](


(Step4): Writing Exercise:

(W1) Read “☆Basic Example Dialogue” between Person A&B below. The Dialogue contains Grammar Topic “Naiform なくてもいいです”.

(W2) Try to make your dialogue between Person A&B like “☆Basic Example Dialogue”. In your dialogue, please try to use this time grammar topic “Naiform なくてもいいです” appropriately. Millions of mistakes are necessary for improvement, so you do not have to hesitate.

N5 level learner, if you have difficulty to write Dialogue style sentence, it is OK to write single sentences with grammar topic and also OK to use only Hiragana. (It is easy-to-read to make space between word and word).

(W3) Post and share your dialogues in 48 hours from posting this thread.

**“Procedure 2 for Intermediate Level”**

(W4) Like below “☆Advanced Example Dialogue”, try to use this time Grammar topic **“**Naiform なくてもいいです**”** **at least once** and make your original Dialogue. In other words, if you just use the topic at least once, you do not have to use the topic anymore and you can make your dialogue freely. It is also OK to add more Person A&B part to make longer Dialogue.

(W5) Post your Dialogue in 48 hours from posting this thread.


**③Example Dialogues**

I cited below \[\*1\] sentences from Page148, Lesson 17, 練習B-7 in みんなの日本語 初級Ⅰ第Ⅱ版 本冊. I added “\[ \] My grammar interpretation”.


**“☆Basic Example Dialogue”**

A: レポートを  ださ  なければなりませんか。 \[\*1\]

repooto wo dasa nakereba narimasenka

Do I have to submit a report ?

\[だします is Group1 verb. “ださ” is Naiform so we can get ださ(Naiform)+ なければなりませんか= have to/ must in question sentence. I think some text books explain ださ+ない as Naiform. I just follow the style (For example, ださ as Naiform) introduced by Minna no Nihongo English version Lesson 17.\]

B: いいえ、  ださ なくてもいいです。 \[\*1\]

iie dasa nakutemoiidesu

No, you do not have to submit.

\[Naiform + なくてもいいです means “you do not have to do something”\]


**“☆Advanced Example”**

A: 会話のクラスを受講(じゅこう)する際(さい)に、教科書(きょうかしょ)を買わなければなりませんか。

B: いいえ、買わなくてもいいです。この授業(じゅぎょう)は、先生とニュースを読んで、ニュースのトピックについて会話をする授業なので、教科書は使いません。


A: そうですか。じゃあ、来学期(らいがっき)から、受けようと思うので、その際に購入(こうにゅう)します。

So, like this, if you add \[ \] explanation and English translation, it will be helpful to understand and check your sentences more accurately.



3A Corporation 2012, *Minna No Nihongo Second Edition – Elementary Japanese1 Translation & Grammar Notes – English*, 3A Corporation, Tokyo.

ISBN-10: 4883196046

スリーエーネットワーク(2012), 「みんなの日本語 初級I 第版 本冊」, スリーエーネットワーク.


**⑥Question and Comment**

If you have some questions about topic, ask me on the comment section. Although I cannot respond to all (Especially, off topic) because I have limited time, I try to comment back.


**⑦Update Alert by SNS**

I will continue to upload of this series for N5 Basic level. You can easily get each time update, if you follow my SNS or Reddit account.




[Grammar Topic List for JLPT N5](

  1. Hey, I’ll throw one try in.



    Student arrives late to class on a day with a test.


    生徒: 遅れてしまってすみませんでした。

    I am sorry for being late.

    先生: 座ってください。テストはもう始まっているんです。

    Please sit down. The test has already started.

    生徒: 今日はそんなことがありましたっけ?

    Did we have such a thing today?

    先生: そうです。静かにして座りなさい。

    That’s right. Please be quiet and sit down.

    生徒: テストを受けなくてもいいですか。

    Is it okay even if I don’t take the test?

    先生: テストを受けるのが全ての生徒たちには強制的です。早く始めてください。

    It’s mandatory for all the students to take a test. Please start the test quickly.

    生徒: はい、始めます。

    All right, I’ll start.

  2. Hi. I did not do the excercise, but I have something to say about your english.

    In your second line it says: “In this series,(…)” with “series” being plural and “this” for singular. I am not an expert, but wouldn’t saying “these series” be more appropiate?

    I encourage anyone to fill me in this one, as I am not sure.

    This is unsolicited advise and you are welcome to ignore it, but I thought that it could be helpful.

    Thank you for sharing your japanese knowledge with all of us.

  3. ある日田中さんは資料を事務所に運ぶ予定があります。

    岩田: あ、田中さんそれは重そうじゃん。俺が運ぶよ。

    田中: いえ、いいよ。嬉しいけど手伝わなくてもいいです、社長にも頼まれたし。

    岩田: わかった。じゃね〜

    質問: officemate/workmate/colleague の日本語は何ですか? 辞書に色んな選択がありますので迷っています。

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