Getting complain for talking on the phone in the balcony during daytime

My parents visit me and my mother went on a phone call (in a language that is not English or Japanese) in the balcony at around 15:30 today (Sat). I couldn’t even hear her across the house so she wasn’t speaking particularly loud.

About an hour later, I received a phone call from the building management saying that they received an “inquiry” from someone in the building, who “hear someone talking on the phone when they open the window” at around that time.

I asked my mother to tone down her voice or to talk inside for good measure, but I cannot shake the feeling that that we wouldn’t have received a complain if she spoke in Japanese or even English? Since I have never received a complain my entire time here and I normally speak Japanese/English at home. And if I am not even expected to talk in the balcony during daytime on a weekend, what do you guys do with your balcony space besides hanging laundry?

by SCCStudio

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