Will the terrible state of the yen affect your decision to stay here long term?

How do you feel about it? If anything at all.
In my own little bubble I earn enough to have a nice life here and I’m happy, but thinking of the future the yen does scare me a bit. I can’t believe we’re at a point where it’s 151 to the dollar. That’s insane to me.
A lot of people just say ‘compared the west Japan is still so cheap though so it’s fine! :)’ but a rapid depreciation in currency like this means imports will get crazy expensive and in general with the Japanese shitty economy things don’t look good at all. I honestly can’t see it getting better and I’d go so far to say we’re be at 180 to the dollar before we know it.

Jesus can you imagine the amount of meetings taking place right now across the country over this??? And the amount of TEA the women are being forced to serve the men doing fuck all in these meetings.

In nicer news though, it’s Sunday and I’m about to play Mario kart with my son so at least that’s nice?

by KnucklesRicci

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