Questions about Hello Work’s Unemployment benefits and stuff

Hey everyone,
Got a question about Hello Work and unemployment benefits. Long story short: I got out of a job in March – terminated. Right now, I’m waiting on my 雇用保険被保険者離職票 and 離職証明書, but they haven’t arrived yet. Meanwhile, my old company wants me back starting next month, new contract and all, so technically I was jobless for a month.
They told me to hit up Hello Work to sort out my status because of that jobless gap, but I have a couple of questions:
\- If I report my situation to Hello Work, am I still gonna get unemployment benefits for the time I was out of work?
\- If I’m eligible and then tell them I’m starting a new job soon, do I still get those benefits plus di reemployment ‘bonus’? Paid a ton into unemployment insurance at my old job, so wondering if I can see some of that back to cover for the month I was out of work with no income.
Anyone been through something like this or know what’s up? Would really appreciate any insights or advice.

by uhyeahah

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