Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 19, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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by AutoModerator

  1. Hi all, anyone looking to learn the language (very) long term, over 10 year period or so? Just curious.

  2. >[details . . .]シーンが描きたくてやらせてもらったお話でした。(オイ)

    So the official English volume translates this omake excerpt as “This story arc came about because I wanted to draw [. . . etc.]”, with (オイ) as “Hmm?” after.

    However, the mangaka in question has an assistant called *Oi-chan*. Who is speaking in this particular line; the mangaka, or Oi-chan? And how does やらせてもらった parse: is it Oi-chan saying they got the mangaka to let them draw this arc? Or the mangaka (Hoshino) saying something about Oi-chan’s influence or permission?

    描きたくてやらせてもらった seems like “want to draw/depict this, and so got [someone] to allow/do it”. Is that how to interpret -te morau?

  3. I was wondering how many times a day do you recommend for practicing kanji strokes? I struggle with the one for wood

  4. Might be a silly question, sometimes when reading song lyrics I see the pronunciation for a word written in hiragana/katakana even if there is a corresponding Kanji character for that word. Have always wondered why.



    ひかり instead of 光, also there is 希望, which is a totally different word that you dont hear in the song. This has always thrown me off. Song is kokoro no chizu

  5. is there a way of making a copy of my (premade) begginer’s vocab anki deck wherein the audio files play first on a blank flashcard and then I need to guess the kanji and hiragana? With the intention of improving my listening ability. Thanks.

  6. There’s this sentence, in the context of a discussion about whether 景観利益 is a right that is protected in civil law ([Source](https://note.com/taka_dp/n/n75db9b958c9f)).


    The part in bold (景観利益の保護とこれに伴う財産権等の規制は、第一次的には、民主的手続により定められた行政法規や当該地域の条例等によってなされることが予定されているものということができることなどからすれば), does this mean roughly:

    …on the basis that it can (and so on) be said it is expected that the protection of scenic interests accompanied by the regulation of property rights is firstly done through administrative law and territorial regulations that are established by means of a democratic process…

  7. How inaccurate is this? Also is this が or を?


    I’m feeling like it’s を.

  8. If someone responds negatively to 「_____ は有りますか?」 is there an equivalent adverb for “then” if I want to respond with “then do you have this one?”

  9. Reading the 落語 「猫の皿」 from genki 2 chapter 20. Dont understand a lot of sentences


    What does this sentence have to do with the rest of the story? Who’s the guy that bought the unusual/rare thing & what is that thing?

    2. ある日、男は川の近くにある茶店に入りました。男は茶店でお茶を飲みながら、外を見ていました。その時、猫が歩いて来て、餌が入った皿の前で止まりました。

    What does えさ(餌)and 入った mean here? genki says えさ means “feed” and 入る “to enter”.I understand this sentence as: “that time, a cat came & stopped in front of a plate that…. feed entered”. That makes no sense to me

    3. The guy wants to buy the cat & get the plate from the owner, but owner says: 「無理でございます。この猫は私の家族みたいで、とてもかわいいんです。」
    Genki said that みたい is used to express that something/someone resembles whatever is described by the noun, so is he saying that the cat looks like/resembles a family member, or can みたい also be used to say that the cat is like family?

    What does という mean/do here? To me this usage seems completely different from what genki explains in chapter 20, where they say to use という to talk about a person or thing that goes by a certain name. I understand this as “Money called 3 Ryo”?

    Does the final sentence mean “When i put the plate in the house its dangerous/not safe, so i brought it here”? ..But I don’t get why’s it dangerous to have inside

    What does the で mean here, can it mean “for”? I understand this as “moreover, when i put the plate here, sometimes i sell a cat for 3 Ryo”.

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