Why is this rude?

Hi, I was writing a practice interview to give to a Japanese person for my Japanese class. One of my questions was:


My professor said 大丈夫ですか was offensive and not to say it in this context. Can someone please elaborate a little bit more?

by Turbulent_Ad7984

  1. と思いますか => どう思いますか

    Did you mean to ask “Do you think it’s ok?” by 「大丈夫ですか?」. I don’t find it rude or offensive but that’s not how I would phrase the question. Maybe「問題ないと思いますか?」.

  2. i’m a native japanese speaker, and i don’t think it’s offensive, but if anything, it slightly sounds like “do you mind it?” “does it offend you?” expecting the answerer say “yes”.
    and, this is more important though, “大丈夫” have way too many meanings, it’s convenient but sometimes sounds too casual. in this sense, “大丈夫ですか” sounds rude in this case. if i were the interviewer, i whoud just say “外国人がお寺に行くことについてどう思いますか?”

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