If capital gains and losses cancel out, do I still get taxed on remitted amount?

Non-Permanent US-citizen Resident Taxpayer here, does Japan’s capital gains tax on remitted funds look at US capital gains AFTER losses are accounted for?

Was wondering if I get taxed in these 2 scenarios for remitting funds:

Scenario 1 (loss same year):

* \[Feb 2024\] Sell stock, +$10k capital gains
* \[Mar 2024\] Sell another stock at loss, -$10k capital gains
* \[Apr 2024\] Remit $10k to Japan

Do I still have to pay Japanese capital gains tax on $10k? Feels like since my capital gains for the year is $0, I can report that to Japan, and I shouldn’t be paying a capital gains tax, but wanted to check.

Scenario 2 (carried over loss from past years):

* I have -$10k capital gains “loss” carried over from past years (say I sold stock at loss 2021 for -$10k)
* \[Feb 2024\] Sell stock, +$10k capital gains
* \[Apr\] Remit $10k to Japan

Same question + thought process

by floxik

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