Questions about studying abroad for a semester at J.F. Oberlin University

I am a 25F in my senior year of college, finishing my international studies degree. I have been looking into studying abroad at Oberlin, which is located in a suburb of Tokyo. I really want to go, but I don’t know much about the school and was having a hard time finding out info about it online. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about the school itself, how it’s viewed in Japan, the area it’s located in, or if anyone has been there before and has any experiences they can share?

I just turned 25 last month so I am expecting that I will be a few years older than many of the students who are there, which doesn’t bother me, but I am worried about having friends to go out to bars/clubs with! (It’s literally my dream to go to Tokyo, and I’m a big partier, so I can’t miss out on going out!) Are the students there going to be old enough/open to partaking in those kinda of activities? Or should I just expect you use tinder to find friends? Thank you!

1 comment
  1. I studied there back in 2016 for a semester and it was one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had. Bear in mind, this was pre-covid so I’m not sure how everything is now but I met tons of people from all over the world there and have made some friends that I still keep in contact to this day. I lived in the school dorm during my study aboard period and the dorm had mostly international students and some local Japanese students that could speak okay English. The school is definitely in a more suburban area so it’s relatively quiet and has a good atmosphere.

    The school is super close to a fairly decent sized city called Machida with some bars/karaoke/restaurants that you can go to. I’m not huge on clubbing so I’m not sure on the scene there and going to Shibuya may be a little bit hard as it’s probably around a 40-50 commute to get there.

    Feel free to ask any other questions and I can try answer them.

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