Itinerary check and advice on the Nagano part of our trip

Hello everyone!

My partner and I plan to visit Japan (Tokyo – Nagano – Kanazawa – Kyoto) during 15-30 November this year. This is our second trip to Japan, and I would really appreciate your insights and advice on the Nagano part of our itinerary.

Sun 17 November: Tokyo – Yamanouchi (3 hours train trip)

\- Arrive at Yamanouchi in the late afternoon and check in at a ryokan in Yamanouchi

\- Stroll around Shibu Onsen area

Mon 18 November: Togakushi Shrine + Zenkoji Temple

\- Morning: Togakushi Shrine (around 2.5 hours train trip)

\- Afternoon, Zenkoji temple (around 1 hour train trip)

\- Explore Nagano City if there is time in the evening

\- Go back to the ryokan in Yamanouchi (1 hour train trip)

Tue 19 November: Snow monkey park + Obuse

\- Morning: check out of the hotel and visit the snow monkey park.

\- Afternoon: visit Obuse (25 minutes train trip)

\- Take the train to Matsumoto City and check in to the hotel (2 hours train trip)

Wed 20 November: Narai juku (post town) + Daio wasabi farm or Magome + Tsumago

Thu 21 November: Nagano – Kanazawa

\- Morning: check out, visit Matsumoto Castle and Matsumoto City

\- Afternoon: go to Kanazawa (2.5 hours train trip)

Is our itinerary realistic and doable?

I read that Nagano’s foliage is peak around late October – early November, will it look dead when we visit Nagano in mid-late November? In addition, we want to go to Kamikochi but it’s closed after mid-November. So taking these into consideration, should we skip Nagano altogether this time and leave it for a future trip? If yes, do you have any other cities with great autumn foliage around this time of the year that you would recommend in place of Nagano?

On Wednesday, 20 November, we are still undecided between Narai juku + Daio wasabi farm or Magome + Tsumago. Which combination would you recommend? We want it to be doable as a day trip and will be back to the hotel in Matsumoto City for the night.

I love chestnut and mushrooms, so that’s why Obuse is on the itinerary. If you have any recommendations for chestnut and mushroom experiences (restaurants, snacks, etc.) in Nagano (or in Tokyo, Kanazawa and Kyoto), I am happy to hear 😊.

Outside of the Nagano part of the trip, we plan to visit Shirakawago by bus from Kanazawa on 23 November, which is a public holiday in Japan. Will the town be crowded? And will Shirakawago be sad looking with all the trees without leaves? I am sorry for keeping bringing up dead looking trees, we come from a Nordic country where November is grey and depressed, so when we are on holiday, we want to look at beautiful things 🤭.

by helmiCT

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