
So im wanting to draw some Oni Tattoo designs, I’ve done some research and Oni are usually evil but very few are good. Before I draw I want to know if it brings bad luck or anything? I read a submission someone made about when ppl get tattooed Oni it wards off evil and it looks scary. But I would like to know more before I draw Oni 🙂

Edit: I found this on Google “Oni tattoos mainly represent a way of warding off bad omens– they are a source of luck. These tattoos have the power to bring you good fortune in almost any situation. Also, these interesting tattoos mean that **no one should mess with you**. They are meant to be scary demons that ward off your enemies”. I dont know if this would go for a drawing too?


1 comment
  1. I’d guess that it would ward off evil from where it’s placed if it’s a picture instead of a tattoo!

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