softbank hikari uninstallation fee?

When I moved into my apartment, I signed up for internet through Softbank Hikari. I had to pay a construction fee and a guy game and installed…something. (There was already an NTT outlet on my wall, and I didn’t see any visible changes after the construction. But I guess they did something.)

I’m looking to move out in the future (not for a while still) but am looking at budgeting for moving, and I’m unsure if there will be another construction fee to uninstall whatever they installed when I move out. At my old apartment I didn’t have to pay any construction fees, and getting internet set up and canceling it when I moved was easy and pain-free. (I was using NTT before and I wish I could have kept using them, cry.) I feel like this won’t be the case this time though, haha.

I’ve looked online and can’t find any clear explanation about this. Is anyone able to let me know from personal experience if I’ll need to pay any kind of de-installation fee??

by gojosbigtoe

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