Internet eligibility

Hi everyone,

I’ve tried looking through google and this subreddit and haven’t found an answer.

I arrived in japan 3 weeks ago (staying at a friend’s place now) and I’m moving to my own rental apartment next week (in Kanagawa).

I’m starting to set up utilities and everything seems straightforward.

One thing I’m trying to figure out is the Internet, I don’t know what will be available.
My real estate agent doesn’t speak English and my Japanese is not great so I’m trying to figure out as much as I can before asking him questions.

In my home country, there are websites where you can check with your address what Internet services are available. Or any ISP’s website will let you type in your address and see if/what they can provide you.

I don’t seem to find the same in Japan. All I find is buttons to start an actual application, where I have to already know if I need to have fiber optics installed, or not.

Does anyone know if there’s anyway of easily knowing what the “infrastructure” situation is at my address?

If not I’ll ask my agent thanks to google translate. 🙂

Thanks for your help!

Edit: found thanks to kind redditor: NTT-East area check:

by Gurtang

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