How doable is my plan? Is it worth it to apply directly to companies from overseas?

So between my own passion for Japan and also wanting to be with my girlfriend there, I am planning to move to Japan after I graduate (computer science) next year. I’ve done some research and it seems like it’s quite hard to find any companies that will hire you if you’re not in Japan already, so I’m going to apply to the JET program as a CIR (government job relating to cultural awareness and also translation) which would get me a 3 year visa of the same type I need to work as a software engineer. If the JET program doesn’t work out then I’ll probably take a working holiday and try to find work while I’m doing that.

As far as my job qualifications go, for a variety of reasons I don’t have any internships, but I do have a couple of personal projects and could of course do more before I leave. I do have N1 and I’m very confident in my Japanese ability overall. Basically, I’m going that a very high Japanese ability and having the visa already will make me a candidate that companies want to pick.

Does this seem like a reasonable plan? Should I expect it to fail lol? Would it be worthwhile to also do some applications from overseas throughout the year in the hopes of maybe skipping the whole jet/working holiday thing?

by chappybbx

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