Anyone here lived in jiko bukken or stigmatized/accident property? Living cheaply near a graveyard?

Anyone here lived in jiko bukken or stigmatized/accident property? Living cheaply near a graveyard?

by occumsrazor24

  1. I used to live directly next to a grave yard. Apartment was huge and the cheapest one the agent showed to me. I told her I thought Japanese graveyards are beautiful. She thought I was insane.

  2. I once lived in an apartment which was discounted from 150k/m down to 70k because the previous tenant had committed suicide by jumping out the window.

    I’m absolutely convinced that the tenant didn’t jump out the window, but was accidentally pushed out by the fold down bed. The main bedroom had a fold down bed facing towards a floor-to-ceiling window with an absurdly low guardrail. The fold down bed spring was a little touchy so it didn’t take much to pull it down and have it come down quite quickly. It was six floors down to concrete

  3. I stayed in a jiko bukken without realising it after 5 years. I had a chat with my neighbour on the day of moving out and she told me that apparently someone committed suicide by burning his/herself a long time ago.

    Guess that explained my automatic light turning on at random times in the night.

  4. I used to live nestled between the Aoyama cemetery and the Gaienmae station. It was fine, cheap, had no issues. No one ever brought it up and I didn’t either.

  5. Idk if this counts but a previous tenant in my room died during the lease. But there was another tenant after him before me and he didn’t actually die on the property. I believe the rent was made cheaper because of this

  6. I stayed at a super cheap Airbnb in Hiroshima. The place was really nice. The next day, my bf at the time said someone was screaming and screaming and banging on the wall in the early morning. He couldn’t believe I slept through it. I heard nothing. So out of curiosity, I stepped onto the balcony and tried to peek over. Turns out we were a corner unit. There was no unit next to us. But beside the apartment, was a cemetery.

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