Chōkai町会 leader from April

Hello. I\`ll be the chokai leader from April and though I don\`t mind taking on responsibilities, I am unsure whether I can do what\`s expected of me given that my Japanese isn\`t that good. Last year, I was asked to be the leader but refused because of my limited Japanese. But this time, they won\`t take no for an answer and I don\`t want to piss off my neighbors. From what I know, my job is to pass the kairanban, collect fees, issue receipts, send the collected fees through furikomi, and attend a meeting. Thinking about all these responsibilities and not knowing whether I can fulfill them with my limited Japanese has filled me with anxiety. Anyone here who had been a chokai leader care to explain what they did? My Japanese is around N4 by the way, currently studying N3.

by Ruiyoshi

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