Question about J-Find Visa and Working Remotely on Fellowship Program

Hello everyone,

I’ve been browsing through various posts about working remotely while in Japan, particularly through the J-Find visa program. I’m currently planning to move to Japan via J-Find, but I’ve also looked into Working Holiday Visas (WHV) because there aren’t many cases available for J-Find. WHV seems to be somewhat in a similar situation, allowing you to work without needing a job offer or sponsor when applying for the visa.

However, my situation seems to deviate slightly from those typically discussed under Working Holiday Visas (WHV) or J-Find. I’ll be participating in a fellowship program for one year, during which I’ll be paid in US dollars. The funding allows me to work remotely from anywhere in the world. I’m not using J-Find as a nomad visa; I genuinely plan to move to Japan. The fellowship is simply my source of funding, although I’ll be working full-time.

I’m unsure whether this type of work is allowed under the J-Find visa. It’s worth noting that the fellowship program is contract-based, so I’m not an employee as in some previous posts. Additionally, the fellowship will end after one year, so it’s not quite like working for a company as a remote employee or contractor. Moreover, I’ll be actively searching for new jobs in Japan and have already applied to several positions actually. However, being outside of Japan makes it challenging to proceed with the interview process, which is why I’m exploring the option of entering Japan via J-Find first and then continuing my job applications.

From my understanding, J-Find is relatively new and lacks specific restrictions on what types of work are not allowed (except for entertainment jobs). So, as long as I can explain my reasons for doing this work, it should be fine. This is why I’ve provided additional details about my situation – to emphasize my distinct intentions and genuine need for this work to support myself financially while actively seeking employment in Japan.

I’d appreciate any insights or advice on whether my situation aligns with the requirements of the J-Find visa. Thank you!


(I’m new to this community, so please pardon me if I haven’t posted in the proper format.)

by Aggravating-Let-8351

1 comment
  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Question about J-Find Visa and Working Remotely on Fellowship Program**

    Hello everyone,

    I’ve been browsing through various posts about working remotely while in Japan, particularly through the J-Find visa program. I’m currently planning to move to Japan via J-Find, but I’ve also looked into Working Holiday Visas (WHV) because there aren’t many cases available for J-Find. WHV seems to be somewhat in a similar situation, allowing you to work without needing a job offer or sponsor when applying for the visa.

    However, my situation seems to deviate slightly from those typically discussed under Working Holiday Visas (WHV) or J-Find. I’ll be participating in a fellowship program for one year, during which I’ll be paid in US dollars. The funding allows me to work remotely from anywhere in the world. I’m not using J-Find as a nomad visa; I genuinely plan to move to Japan. The fellowship is simply my source of funding, although I’ll be working full-time.

    I’m unsure whether this type of work is allowed under the J-Find visa. It’s worth noting that the fellowship program is contract-based, so I’m not an employee as in some previous posts. Additionally, the fellowship will end after one year, so it’s not quite like working for a company as a remote employee or contractor. Moreover, I’ll be actively searching for new jobs in Japan and have already applied to several positions actually. However, being outside of Japan makes it challenging to proceed with the interview process, which is why I’m exploring the option of entering Japan via J-Find first and then continuing my job applications.

    From my understanding, J-Find is relatively new and lacks specific restrictions on what types of work are not allowed (except for entertainment jobs). So, as long as I can explain my reasons for doing this work, it should be fine. This is why I’ve provided additional details about my situation – to emphasize my distinct intentions and genuine need for this work to support myself financially while actively seeking employment in Japan.

    I’d appreciate any insights or advice on whether my situation aligns with the requirements of the J-Find visa. Thank you!


    (I’m new to this community, so please pardon me if I haven’t posted in the proper format.)

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