Rainy days cause me headache

I don’t why but rainy daiys in japan causes me headaches.I used to live in nepal where during monsoon it used to rain for 1 to 2months almost everyday and I used to be completely fine but as I moved to japan on student visa During rain I get headaches. At first I thought its cause of new place and new weather but it’s been two years and I still get headaches.It’s not that painful but as I can work my アルバイトcompletely fine but it’s getting very annoying.anybody has the same experience??.

by Hot-Following-7133

  1. Yes I’ve also been getting headaches a lot recently. Especially on rainy days. Never used to happen

  2. Could be atmospheric pressure? I don’t know how any of that works but I know sometimes during storms my ears pop.

    My SO also had a headache this morning.. Well yesterday morning I guess so it’s not just you. Haven’t seen sunshine for days.

  3. Happens to me as well. My head would start ‘tightening’ up a couple of hours before it rains, and then wouldn’t stop hurting once the rain starts.

  4. I’d never heard about the phenomenon until I came to Japan, but it seems really common. A lot of people I know complain about it.

    I don’t know the mechanics, but it’s apparently due to atmospheric pressure.

  5. Could it be related in some way to allergies or asthma? Google thunderstorm asthma; it’s fairly rare but it impacts people in various ways, could the weather be stirring up allergens or impacting your lungs in some way?

  6. I find its due to the dramatic changes in pressure and temperature that happen in Japan. Pressure changes very quickly here compared to the UK where I am from. The atmosphere pressure is higher here on average than in the UK
    This time of year and it the fall when we get the sudden change to winter weather, are the worst times.

    Take this week for example: It was freezing cold Monday and Tuesday (5C), seems OK today, but tomorrow thru the weekend they say it will be +20C. So within 1 week its a 15C temperature change.

    I’ve been suffering a lot recently with headaches and sinus pain. Allergy medicine does nothing.

    This website is good for tracking pressure over a few days. Check out the dramatic rise we had this week. (march 25-28 2024)

  7. Yeah, it happens to me but only when it starts raining hard suddenly
    I guess it’s a change in atmospheric pressure, it’s pretty common

  8. Im from Nepal too and feel so lethargic on rainy days. Fortunately, my joints dont hurt (touch wood), but my head feels heavy and my sinus gets irritated. It isn`t like super bad but just annoying. Also, I live close to the ocean in Hiroshima so the air might be affecting my skin and hair as well making them super dry. Given how we don`t have an Ocean i never felt this happen in Nepal.

  9. It might be the lack of Oxygen. Relax cloth, high place and O2 cans might make you feel better. It works for me.

  10. Thanks for your response. I felt like it was only me as my friends don’t have this experience. Glad thare are others too who has this thing …

  11. I get them all the time on rainy and cloudy days. It is most likely from atmospheric pressure like others mentioned already.

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