Women and girls in Japan turn to apps to fight gropers on trains | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis

Women and girls in Japan turn to apps to fight gropers on trains | The Asahi Shimbun: Breaking News, Japan News and Analysis


  1. I still don’t get why gropers do this. Even as a Japanese person, if you’re caught doing this, your life is essentially over.

    That being said, if the government really wants to work on eradicating groping, they could work on eradicating the mountain of pornographic material that utilizes it.

  2. I loudly applaud the folks that are doing this, it is about time and the gov’t in Japan could care less about women since most gov’t. ‘decision makers’ are misogynistic regardless of gender(in my observation)

  3. Why do they need an app to yell stop gropping me? Im a bit confused. She called 911 cant she do that without the app?

  4. Good for women. Another step to make safety for women. I hope this kind of apps can be use in other Asian countries too since Asian women are very shy and afraid when got harass.

    Edited: grammar mistake

  5. As always. The people have to do the jobs the cops are supposed be doing giving them time to harass foreigners on the streets.

  6. My friend who is Japanese that lives in Tokyo, called me a couple of weeks ago balling her eyes out because someone grabbed her ass and she felt paralyzed and couldn’t call out for help due to pure fear. I told her that she needed to download this app immediately and to never be afraid of asking for help in a situation like that. I hope it never happens to her again, nor anyone else.
    This app works amazingly, and I would highly recommend it to all my friends.

  7. Does anyone do chikan hunting?

    Like get a group with a girl or three and just ride the trains around waiting for a bite, then ruin the chikan and turn them in?

    I would volunteer for such a thing.

  8. Man, the other day I was standing in a pretty open train near the doors and a girl kept scooting closer and closer to me. I was on my phone and getting annoyed so I started moving when another girl from the other side came over, grabbed the girl and brought her to her side. I then looked up and realized she was being groped by a man behind her who bolted to the next train car and ran out the next stop. I felt pretty shitty I didn’t do anything, but I would have never known had the other girl not done something since the girl was too scared to make any noise. These apps would do so much to prevent shit like this, I hope more girls download it.

  9. For whatever reason Asahi isn’t loading up on my work computer. Can anyone give a breakdown on what the app does?

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