Withdrawing money from Mercari into Bank account

Hey guys,

Quick question, I’m trying to withdraw money from some sales I did to my bank account.

But it keeps getting rejected (3 different banks), my suspicion is of course Katakana / Romaji Name…

There’s no other reason, I tried changing my name to full Katakana on Mercari but because Zaryuu Card has my name original name is not possible.

Has anyone experience this and found some loophole?, I’m sure I can’t be the only one with this problem, help sempais!


I’m pretty sure in one of my banks my data should be in romaji as well, but for some reason it keeps getting rejected…

  1. This is what has held me back from listing stuff in Japanese sites. Hope you can resolve it.

  2. You should be able to easily clear this up by contacting customer support. As you suspect your your registered kana has to match the kana for the account you specified.

  3. I wrestled with this same issue for like a MONTH. I have a middle name and am the “third” so those roman numerals are in there too. Another issue was that the name I use for my bank, the names on my IDs, and my Mercari name were *all* slightly differently formatted.

    I ended up giving up after like 10+ rejects and customer service being completely unhelpful and almost fully automated. Instead, I finally just decided to convert my funds into Mercari Points. Just be careful, because if you wait too long to turn your funds into Points (something like six months, I think), the money just fucking disappears — and they only give you a 24-hour advance notice of that.

    Mercari’s system is archaic; even buying shit is a hassle if you want to negotiate a discount. I still use it to buy stuff, but I vowed never to sell anything on there again.

  4. As other folks have mentioned, your name on Mercari has to exactly match the name registered on your bank account. Contact CS for the name change and then you might have to do KYS (identity verification) again, afterwards you should be able to link your account to finally withdraw.

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