My SOS app QR code question

I am finally going back to Japan in 2 days. Even though I have been a resident for a while, it is the first time I am using the Fast Track function of my SOS.
I have already registered all of my information since I received my Covid test result in 5 hours.

I was just wondering about something. The countdown gives me a time until which I can complete registration. I have no doubt that I will complete registration within that time frame.

However, once the application is reviewed and approved, will the countdown continue to go down? Will I still have access to the QR code when I land ? (After the countdown is technically over but registration will be done by then). Should I have registered later ?
I just want to make sure I have access to the QR code by the time I land. I assume the countdown will stop when the registration is approved ?

Thank you for your answers. It will be reassuring to me.
I had not realised coming back would be so much stress.

  1. Do the registration as early as possible. Some documents you submit need to be verified manually at their end.

    Once you’re “blue”, you’re good for the trip, unless you get delayed by more than X days.

    The whole ‘app’ is weird, it seems to be hardly more than a glorified collection of links to web pages. Even when you did all the steps before the trip, at the airport you still need to open a web page (you can use the free airport WiFi).

  2. If I recall well, the countdown stops when the registration is approved. You have access to the QR code anytime, but just in case take a screenshot of it like I did.

    I feel you, it sure is a bit stressful. Thank God Japan is finally opening its eyes and at least the PCR test will be waived soon.

  3. It’s a super janky process but yeah if you just follow the rules and get blue you’re fine. Also Photoshop is your friend. 😉

  4. I just flew back (Kansai) from Seoul business trip.

    For some reason my SOS APP would not turn from red to blue/green or whatever it was, so I had to manually get the QR code from staff at KIX. (As it turns out, its not really the MySOS point thats key, just the QR code from the website that opens within SOS).

    Manually getting the QR from staff added about 5min total to my time in the airport. I was outside on the curb catching the bus to Osaka within 35 minutes. It doesn’t beat my 16 mnunute 37 second record of airplane to bus stop, but 35 minutes is not bad.

    **Anyhow, you Do Not need to stress.**

    **Main thing is have your PCR result (within 72 hours) ready, and you are good to go.**

    **Take a screen shot of your QR code and anything else relevant like your PCR result, its ALL you need.**

  5. The countdown kept going even after my screen went blue (finished all steps) and hit 0 sometimes during the flight based on the time remaining. Nothing happened, all the stuff still went through at the airport. Could still use the QR code.

  6. Make sure to take a good photo of the documents, just in case I took my japanese vaccination certificate with me, but I had to submit it three times before they accepted it, I got the blue screen just before I departed from my airport.

    FWIW two days ago the whole process at KIX was super−smooth, and it took me less than 30 minutes to get out of the airport. Some people just printed the QR code and they arrived at the baggage area same time than I, I guess it works well too.

  7. Oui, c’est tellement stressant toutes ces formalités pour retourner au Japon…
    Une fois que tous tes documents sont approuvés et que l’écran passe au bleu, tu peux y avoir accès n’importe quand.

    Quand je suis rentrée la semaine dernière, on m’a demandé de montrer un screenshot du QR code en sortant de l’avion (il y avait plusieurs points de contrôle) ; ensuite il fallait s’asseoir à un guichet et montrer ses détails dans l’appli / son passeport pour obtenir le document (健康カード) qui autorise à rentrer sur le territoire.

    Bon courage !

  8. Fast track is useless. You’re going just as fast without the whole app thing.

    Just answer the questionnaire on the website, it will give you a QR code that incodes all your answers. Just print the final page that displays the QR code.

    At Narita, they only ask for two things: the Japanese form where you transcribe your negative covid test info (not even the lab result which is necessary at check-in) and the QR code, whether on a phone screen with the app or printed on a paper. They just check your passport at both of these points but they do nothing else (if coming from a blue country).

    The only use of the QR code is to input your answers faster.

    The whole thing takes 10 minutes walking while it took 3 hours last year when you needed to be tested on arrival.

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