Why Did You Start To Learn Japanese? What Is Your Goal?

What Is Your Goal To Reach In Your Japanese Studies?

by BiggestTrollAliveee

  1. To become as fluent as possible. To be able to read manga, understand anime, and understand all the missed details. I think it’s a beautiful language, and I love Japanese music as well.

    Definitely going to be a journey, but I’m all here for it.

  2. I wanted to challenge myself to learn something difficult. The goal is to be able to have conversations with native speakers and be able to read paper books in Japanese. I am a long way from both…

  3. Originally, to read manga and watch anime because I noticed mistakes in the anime and manga I was watching and reading at the time.

    Later, after I started tutoring Japanese at my university’s tutoring center, I wanted to become a Japanese teacher.

  4. I started after a trip to Japan. I met many cool people and felt frustrated when I couldn’t communicate with them fully the way I wanted to. My goal isn’t to become fully fluent but I want to be able to communicate better even if it isn’t perfect when I go back. Also I think it’s super fun when I unexpectedly understand what they are saying in anime without reading it. I haven’t been studying for long but I hope anime helps to keep me motivated.

  5. This is my answer from a similar post a couple days ago:

    I’ve wanted to learn Japanese since I was a kid. The language and culture seemed fascinating, and discovering anime and manga made it more appealing. However, back then there were not as many resources so easily available, so I stayed at an entry level for a very long time (10+ years).

    Last year there were some family plans to go to Japan, and I knew I would regret going there and not speaking at all. Fortunately, thanks to this subreddit I’ve found enough resources to do so, and finally feel like I’m learning and understanding the language.

    Unfortunately, the traveling plans didn’t come to fruition. But thanks to that, I’ve met wonderful people that are either Japanese or are learning the language too. Nowadays befriending them and have more fluid conversations are my motivation, and the whole Japanese media consumption is just a bonus.

  6. Because studying for the CFA exams was too easy, so I decided to also try to pass the JLPT exams at the same time to make it a bit harder.

  7. Didnt want to learn french. So far, have successfully not learned french. 

    I consider this an absolute win. 

     Edit: to those replying in French, I’m sure you are lovely, but I have no idea what you are saying. <3

  8. I honestly don’t know why. It just sorta randomly happened.

    It’s been an enjoyable ride so far, the way the language works is sorta enjoyable and kanji are pretty and … well – there’s something about it. <3

    I can explain how/why I learned a bit of German. I had no other (realistic) choice in school. I think it was boredom that led me to give it a whack later on with the Harry Potter method and now **I’m in too deep to stop.** Now if I scroll across a twitter shitpost in German I … enjoy, and sometimes catch my self going wtf, I know German. That feeling of randomly scrolling on a semi-serious twitter topic in English and seeing a stupid hot take in German and recognizing the stupidity before the language it was written in, sorta helped remind me that something about languages can be somewhat fun.

    Do we really need reasons if the journey is enjoyable? Life is too short, sometimes it just happens, and if the current catches you… **go with the flow and the fun.**

  9. To read manga and play video games in Japanese. I also listen to some Japanese music and I’d love to travel. I started learning the language yearsss ago but I stopped and only recently came back to it, from scratch.

  10. To read “空ろの箱と零のマリア” since yen press wont reprint the english version

  11. I always was curious about chinese characters and after finding out how hard is Mandarin Chinese i settled down for Japanese which at least has a phonetic alphabet as complement.

    I also would like to play older games of my youth in their original language, be able to pick up the lost in translations thing in anime and other media.

    My goals aren’t ambitious, i would be more than satisfied to be able to read at a reasonable pace, not necessarily aiming for fluency.

  12. I’ve become pretty good at reading. I can understand almost anything I see (aside for tweets at times which are crazy run on sentences). Listening is more of a challenge, but it’s getting better.

    Honestly until I’m speaking at a decent level I don’t think I’ll ever feel like I’ve gotten anywhere, which is funny considering how it’s the least useful one of the four if you’re outside Japan and nowhere near a Japanese community.

  13. I had a meeting with Japanese people in my company. Their English was so terrible, that i thought “in half year my Japanese will be better than their English”. So i started learning just to prove myself a point.

    I was wrong.

    PS. I have no goal. I just learn since it is still more entertaining than video games. Probably my Japanese learning hours counter is slowly approaching my Factorio time counter.

  14. Skillset. I don’t really care about Japanese culture, Japan as a country, and nor do I want to live there. I just see more of a ROI by becoming somewhat fluent in Japanese.

  15. Being a native Spanish speaker, when I first heard Japanese it struck me that is sounded sort of like Spanish, but also that it was definitely not Spanish. I started learning a bit and (hard to describe) it tickled my brain in a funny, linguistic way. I guess I like the way it sounds, sorta like [that Mexican radio station](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxG1uULvQPXgyANqypycFZLqS-NEcq2y8z). Goals: not sure, I’d like to hear, read, and understand a lot of it. Goals: I’m not sure, I think I’ll go for N3 and see if I’m satisfied by then, or if I should keep going.

  16. Funnily enough I was just talking to my friend about it. My one and only reason was Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls. I was imitating their very jouzu nihongo as a joke, but that somehow lead to me learning more about the actual language and I fell in love with it.

  17. I want to be able to read a book in japanese and watch a series or movie in japanese

  18. I’ve always wanted to move to Japan, the culture (good and bad) has always resonated with me as the most ideal way to live day to day. I’m learning the language to better understand the culture and hopefully one day fulfill my dream.

  19. want to watch anime without subtitles. plus it would make day to day life easier

  20. I started honestly cause of anime and wanting to understand it in it’s pure form and not by a translated interpretation and petty stuff such as looking cool to my weeb friends, I have more reasons now in continuing it. I want to atleast reach a point where I can enjoy japanese material without difficulty. Japanese is harder than I thought though so I hope I don’t give up.

  21. I want to experience untranslated media and understand the meanings that can be lost in translation with the translated ones. I also want to go to Japan one day and make friends who share my interests~! ╰(*´︶`*)╯

  22. Why did I start? Liked Death note and my school offered it, it’s really different from the standard European languages offered and just always had an interest. Why did I keep at it? I enjoy the language and fell in love with Murakami Haruki, wanted to read his books in native Japanese.

  23. I was going to Japan and thought it’d be fun. Even though the trip already happened I’ve been enjoying studying so I’m rolling with it 

  24. Because I live in Japan. My goal is to express myself clearly on every subject I find interesting

  25. I like learning languages and I was planning on moving there at some point :}

  26. I want to read/watch old visual kei interviews. My goal is to be able to get the gist of it, even if I need to look up kanji/vocabulary.

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