How much ochazuke is too much ochazuke?

First time trying today and my kids and I have crushed 3 packets. Is this okay for babies to eat?

by nomnommama

  1. One packet to about a cup of tea and a scoop of rice is what I eat. Should be okay for babies.

  2. My mom fed me this with little salmon chunks when I was a kid , it was my favorite.

  3. I usually split a packet between two bowls of rice- otherwise too salty for me – I like the ume and the salmon flavors

  4. BTW, if you can find the pickled plum version of this brand (it says “Ume-boshi Chazuke” on it), it’s great. The umeboshi flavor is a nice kind of sour.

  5. Makes me think of the ochazuke sisters in Midnight Diner. Salmon, pickled plum, and cod roe.

  6. This is what I was fed since I was a toddler when I was feeling ill. Normally mixed with rice. It was always comforting. Ok for babies but it has a lot of sodium, so don’t use too much. To this day I can’t consume more than one pack per meal due to the sodium.

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