Ajitama Egg porn at Ramen Hiiki (Tokyo)

Ajitama Egg porn at Ramen Hiiki (Tokyo)

  1. Ramen Hiiki is often touted as the “best iekei ramen in Tokyo”. While that’s up for debate, you can’t argue that they have great eggs, which is not all that common at iekei ramen shops.

    If you would like to see some more of this bowl and the shop itself, [check over here](https://youtu.be/q9aMM3dHq2M)

  2. I’m sorry, I’m sure you don’t care, but the “tama” in “ajitama” is short for “tamago”, i.e. egg.

    So… Ajitama Egg is redundant.

    Lots of love from your friendly neighborhood grammar Nazi…

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