How to prove conbini barcode rent payment?

Hi everyone. I’m in an annoying pickle.

At the end of last year, I found myself confronted with a situation where I was finally catching up on my late apartment rent payments. I was passed around between a “プラザ賃貸管理保証株式会社” and a “高橋裕次郎法律事務所” while that happened, but in December I recall making my payments to finally catch up going into the new year.

Well, lately I’ve had “プラザ” tell me I’m late on more payments again this time from January and February. When I last spoke to them on Wednesday(?) they told me it was for December and February. This answer struck me as odd (how would a month in between be paid for but not December or February?) but I was too busy to keep asking them questions. I remained suspicious of them and wanted to investigate, so I didn’t pay anything yet and waited for them to call me again.

So they called me again tonight and it was the same story but now they say it was January and February. Here’s the thing though, I remember paying for January and February. I was given one of those conbini barcode payment links for each month, once in January and again in February, and I recall bothering myself to go to the conbini to make the payment. Now, I lost track of both receipts for both those months but I didn’t worry though since hey, my rent got paid right? But now here they are challenging me to prove payment with a tiny little conbini receipt or (if I’m lucky) showing a transfer being done to them.

Now I will admit I was late this month, but asking for February and January just doesn’t make sense. Right now what I want to know if there’s a way they should be able to verify if the barcode provided by that link resulted in a payment. Or is there anything I should know about プラザ賃貸管理保証株式会社? I kept pressing the lady to answer my question about if those links were sent around the time of a payment being made (she spoke English), but she kept either dodging the question or telling me “It would help most if you showed the proof”

For reference I live in a Leopalace apartment. In case that’s telling of anything useful. Does anyone think I should just ask Leopalace directly? I’m going to check my bank transfer history tomorrow too just to square these problems away if that’s somehow telling of anything. But genuinely this is frustrating and makes very little sense to me. What should I do?

by Mistfire333

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