Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 23, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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by AutoModerator

  1. anyone knows what this き is doing here?


    I think the sentence says, “Rolling around in pain, it faced its back (towards us)”

    but that き before 苦しむ is throwing me off

    CONTEXT: These giant moles are attacking everyone and カガミ is a guy who can turn into a giant wolf and fight them, and they also seem to be magically opening some kind of reservoir under the moles

  2. Currently living in Japan; I’m still very much in touch with my host family from my college study abroad days.

    My host sisters have asked me to tutor their kids (two girls in 小学校、one teen boy entering 高校. I’d mostly be tutoring English to the trio in individual lessons.

    Would this potentially also be a good way to learn Japanese? I’m decent in speaking and listening comprehension ability, but my vocabulary could use some work (about 2,500 to 3,000 words). Of course the primary goal is to teach them English, but I’m curious how much I’ll pick up from them in reverse.

    Edit: fixed kanji

  3. This is more of anki related question. I invested a lot of time into my flash cards and I don’t want anything to go wrong in the long run. It won’t randomly get corrupted right? I don’t use any adds on and just bare bone anki.

  4. Hey guys. I recently decided to try lesrning japanese again. I took classes in high school 15 years ago but i started over on duolingo. After i get through duolingo more, is therr another course or method i should get into next? Would like to see how far i can go

  5. Why is it なさそう instead of なそう? I heard that the さ is a nominalization suffix, but I only know that it’s used for adjectives.

  6. Need help with what to buy in the kanji study app 😥

    I’ve pretty much finished all the free kanji but I want to continue with the rest. Ive found the guided study helpful (and it’s on sale rn) but if I buy that, do I need to also purchase the “Unlock Kanji” one??

  7. what’s いえ in this sentence:

    > さすがに慣れたはいえ、夜にやられるとホラーだな。

    context: his friend is visiting him, but to do so he needs to reach in-between the portal to his world with his hand, which might look scary but he’s used to it.

    I think this means something like, “As you would think I’m used to it [??], but when it’s done at night it’s like horror (movie)”.

  8. Is this second sentence a joke?



    Context is the reporter wants a tour of new LED technology which is being used to grow food for aquaculture oysters. But the oyster CEO responds thusly. Is this like “It’s as hard as an oyster shell (for me to say this), but sorry I can’t show you”?

    Does 固い mean “hard” in both ways the same as it does in English?

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