i just understood a sentence for the first time during immersion practice and i’m over the moon

I haven’t been doing this long (24 days, but I’ve been going ham, about 2-5 hours per day) , and the sentence was very basic, but i lost my shit out of excitement when I realized I knew what this girl said in a podcast. Usually I only pick out random words here and there, but this time I understood a full sentence!

It was:


I had to tell someone!!! This makes it all worth it and my interest in this beautiful language has skyrocketed !!! よっしゃ!

  1. I had that accidentally today myself when Autodesk Maya installed in JP because of my system locale XD congrats!

  2. I know exactly how that feels. It is SO good…

    I mean, I haven’t quite gotten to the point where I can easily parse full sentences, particularly because my ability to retain any actual vocabulary has been pretty tough. COVID brainfog and all, you know how it is.

    But I’ve been able to consistently read stuff like signs while playing through Yakuza, and as silly as it is, that stuff is so unbelievably rewarding.

  3. I don’t mean to be a spoilsport — seriously, I’m glad you’re feeling a confidence boost from this — but since you’ve literally been upvoted over a hundred times without even a single person pointing out this fundamental mistake, it’s 行った, not 行た.

    I’m glad you feel like the “immersion” is helping, but I would also encourage you to supplement this with actual study of Japanese grammar and sentence structure, as that will help to make more of the language comprehensible to you earlier.

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